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Show your support for the NHS and Key Workers

Lady drinking water

While we are all seeing a multitude of love and support for the NHS and essential workers, you may ask what else can we do to support the NHS at this time.

Being creative with rainbows, social media and clapping is a huge motivational push for those working hard and aiding the wellbeing of those in lockdown, including parents with young children. However, there are many other ways the NHS recommends you can support them.

Your NHS Needs You: NHS Volunteer Responders

The NHS has started a scheme following the Coronavirus outbreak to build an army of volunteers to help in their community. These roles include:

  • Community Response Volunteer
  • Patient Transport Volunteer
  • NHS Transport Volunteer
  • Check-in and Chat Volunteer

Volunteers will need to be fit and well with no symptoms and over 18. Those in higher-risk groups can support the scheme from home by telephone.

Visit NHS Volunteer Responders to find out more on how you can get involved.

Health Care Professionals

If you're qualified and experienced as a health care professional, your skills could be used in your community even if you have left the NHS.

Across the country, the NHS is looking at the skills of health care professionals and how best placed they can be at this time. This includes not just clinically treating patients, but your expertise could offer valuable support through a variety of roles in secondary, community and primary care.

If you are a health care professional and you’re able to get involved, the NHS has an information guide where you’ll be able to take a skills survey.

NHS Careers

At a time when some may be facing unemployment, furlough or other barriers to working, the NHS could use your skills in a new career.

The usual NHS jobs page is still running as normal, however, they have listed their high priority roles associated with the fight against coronavirus. These roles are listed with red stars next to them, why not take a look?

Social media fundraising

Social media is a great platform for coming together to raise money, some may even help keep you busy while in lockdown.

  • Run 5, Donate 5, Nominate 5: Running 5 kilometres, donating £5 to a charity and nominating 5 of your family/friends through a post or story.
  • #DonateYourCommute: an idea that while some are working from home, you could donate the money you’d usually spend on your daily commute.
  • #TwoPointSixChallenge: this leaves a bit more to your imagination, from running 2.6 miles or hosting an online workout for 26 family or friends, then nominating more to come up with their own. There’s an official 2.6 Challenge website with all the information on how to get involved.

You can choose any charity when donating. A popular charity at the moment is NHS Charities Together - supporting NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

Staying safe while helping

When it comes to helping others, your health and safety should come first. If you’re leaving the house to help, you need to do so safely remembering:

  • Social distancing
  • Not sharing cars
  • Staying outside other's homes where possible
  • Regularly washing your hands

The government has a detailed guide on How to Help Safely which will protect yourself and others.

Published on 14 May 2020