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Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the womb (uterus). After a hysterectomy a woman will no longer have periods and it won’t be possible to become pregnant.

I have a question about having a hysterectomy

What is a hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the womb (uterus). Hysterectomy is a relatively common operation with up to one in five UK women having this surgery by the age of 55. Because a hysterectomy is a major operation, with a lengthy recovery time, it is usually only considered when there are no other alternative treatments. After a hysterectomy a woman will no longer have periods and it won’t be possible to become pregnant.

A hysterectomy will only be carried out under a general anaesthetic (so you’ll be asleep).

The exact procedure will depend on the type of surgery you have agreed to have following discussions with the specialist; this may be an abdominal hysterectomy, a vaginal hysterectomy, or a laparoscopic hysterectomy.

What is an abdominal hysterectomy?

An abdominal hysterectomy is carried out through an incision in your abdomen which will be stitched after the operation leaving an external scar. This method is used to carry out:

  • Total abdominal hysterectomy where your uterus and cervix are removed but your ovaries are left in place.
  • Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - where your uterus, cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed. (Hormone replacement therapy may be recommended if your ovaries are removed.)
  • Sub-total hysterectomy - where your uterus is removed but your cervix is not. After this operation you’ll need to continue having routine smear tests.

What is a vaginal hysterectomy?

A vaginal hysterectomy is carried out through an incision in the top of the vagina leaving no external scar. During the operation the uterus and cervix are removed through the vagina.

The fallopian tubes and ovaries can also be removed at the same time if required. However a laparoscopy may be required to assist with this part of the operation.

What is a laparoscopic hysterectomy?

This is also known as keyhole surgery. It uses instruments inserted through small incisions in the abdomen and/or vagina which allows the surgeon to view the area and remove the required tissue or organs.

This laparoscopic method may be used as an alternative to the methods described above, or in combination with these approaches depending on the exact treatment required. A ‘laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy’, for example, is carried out by some surgeons to assist with the vaginal hysterectomy procedure where other factors may complicate a traditional vaginal approach, such as needing to remove the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Why would I have a hysterectomy?

You may have been suffering from heavy periods, long-term pelvic pain, fibroids (non-cancerous tumours) or certain types of cancer (e.g. cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer).

What happens during a hysterectomy?

Depending on the reason for your treatment, one of several different types of hysterectomy may be recommended.

What should I expect after a hysterectomy?

After a hysterectomy we’ll help manage any pain or discomfort with painkillers. Depending on the exact nature of your operation, you may need to stay in hospital for up to 48 hours after the operation.

Hysterectomy recovery time will vary, but in all cases you’ll need to rest for a couple of weeks, avoid any heavy lifting and try not to become constipated throughout your recovery. You may not be able to drive for 4-6 weeks. If your ovaries are removed during the operation you may need to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Overall, recovery time is usually shorter if you’ve had a vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy. Two to three months is the expected time to fully recover from this surgery, following which you should be able to resume your normal, active and unrestricted lifestyle.

Our Consultants Gynaecologists

Mr Gupta

Abhishek Gupta

Consultant Gynaecologist

Mr Gupta's specialties include urinary incontinence, uterine and vaginal prolapse and heavy or painful periods.

Mr Connell

Rowan James Connell

Consultant Gynaecologist

Mr Connell's specialties include prolapse, incontinence, vaginal reconstruction surgery and MonaLisa Touch.

Ahmed Khalil

Consultant Gynaecologist

Mr Khalil's specialties include diagnostic laparoscopy, myomectomy and hysterectomy.

Miss Anahit Zakaryan

Anahit Zakaryan

Consultant Gynaecologist

Miss Zakaryan specialises in general gynaecology, including bleeding problems, vulval problems, contraception, HRT, fibroids and vaginal prolapse.

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